I ran my 100th Parkrun today and wore blue/yellow in support of Ukraine. I had already decided to mark my parkrun milestone by also donating £1 per parkrun to a Ukrainian appeal and receipt of the email from MMH informing me of your appeal was most timely so that’s where I’ve made the donation.
A running buddy, Vanessa, did it with me also clothed in blue and yellow. This follows a sock theme, since the invasion of Ukraine I’ve been wearing a yellow and a blue sock at all meetings of M.M.H. orders. Thus far I’ve attended Mark, O.S.M. and Scarlet Cord so attired. There’s been an interesting response but so long as it raises awareness of the appeal, I’m happy.
Coincidentally I happen to have two identical pairs of these socks in my sock drawer!
With thanks to W.Bro. John Watts, P.Prov.G.J.W., Durham