Join Anadolu

Advancement Ceremony

The Degree of Mark Master Mason is open to all Master Masons. The ceremony, in which a Brother is ‘advanced’, can be said to comprise two Degrees; the first in which he is acknowledged as a Mark Man, followed by the second where he becomes a Mark Master Mason. The Mark referred to in its title takes its name from the mark or symbol with which the stonemason identified his work and can still be found in many cathedrals and important buildings.

The Cost of Advancement Ceremony which includes your Mark Apron, Mark Tie, Mark Jewel, Province Pack is €150 for the masonic year between 2022-2023

Joining Fees / Annual Dues

Mark Masons whom wish to join Anadolu Lodge can join the unit for €55 a year. Our current annual due is €50 per annum.

Apply Now

Please send your details on Telegram or WhatsApp to +32 475 81 99 07.  We will then be in contacting with you within 24 hours to start your Advancement or Joining process to our lodge, Anadolu Lodge of MMM.

Bank details to be confirmed soon
